Episode one: What can other industries learn from politics?

In the first episode of season two, we share our personal experiences with the Massachusetts primary election results, discuss the increasing polarization in US politics, and debate the distinction between journalists, TV personalities and their impact on the electorate. 

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Newsroom TV show (watch the first two minutes here)

The Brussels Effect by Any Bradford

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is by Julie Zauzmer (Washington Post, 2018)

A new set of threats to the BBC — internal and external — challenges its role as anchor of U.K. media (NiemanLab, September 2020)

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Unscripted conversations with Toni Cowan-Brown and Sorcha Rochford about current affairs, pop culture, life, and how we got here. We are fiercely opinionated, unapologetically honest and we don't always agree. Join us weekly for a deep dive into honest conversations where empathy and vulnerability, and facts take center stage.


Episode Two: We have to stop asking what’s next in 2020


Season two: What you can expect from us.