Are you free to speak?

This episode went live last week. For those of you that have already listened, thank you. For those of you waiting for our lovely email (thank you ). We are human and missed getting this out properly and we always strive to ensure that every episode has the necessary context -- which is why we send this email in the first place. So here goes. In our "Joe Rogan" episode (E05), we introduced the concept of free speech (worth mentioning for our European listeners, freedom of speech is a protected right in the United States unlike in Europe where this is a concept). We knew we needed to create the space for a full conversation on this topic, cue this episode. This isn't an in-depth analysis of freedom of speech but as with all our episodes, it covers a multitude of relevant topics such as book burning, both the education and emotional impact of historical monuments, and the recent decisions made on school’s curriculum.

This left us wondering is there an expiration on the ways in which people have expressed freedom of speech?

Additional sources

America Has a Free Speech Problem (The New York Times)
Monuments ‘expire’ – but offensive monuments can become powerful history lessons (Conversation)
Why removing historical monuments is a bad idea (The Hill)

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