Joe Rogan's appeal is also his liability

The audience VS. the content. What are we censoring for? There are hundreds if not thousands of podcasts that promote similar content to what we have seen from Joe Rogan yet we do not see viral campaigns demanding for their censorship.

In this episode, we discuss the different ways in which voices are amplified, in particular looking at those who have felt dismissed by traditional media outlets and ultimately return to the familiarity. In this instance, we kick off discussing Joe Rogan and the expert opinions and knowledge he receives on topics that he and his guests may not be equipped to speak impartially and factually on.

Ultimately the question we tried to answer in our conversation was—Where does the responsibility lie? Is it on the listener to do their due diligence or is it the platform hosting the content or the hosts and guests?

This is the first episode in our three-part conversation to really dive into the correlations between freedom of speech, polarization, and misinformation.

Additional sources

Inside Spotify’s Joe Rogan Crisis (WSJ)
Spotify’s Quest to Own Your Ear (Napkin Math)
Citing ‘Few Options,’ Podcaster Returns to Spotify Amid Joe Rogan Uproar (NYT)

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